
How To Stop Auto Start App In Windows 10

The more software y'all install on your figurer, the longer it may seem to accept to start upwards Windows. Many programs add themselves to the list of programs started when y'all boot your calculator, and that listing tin can go long.

Editor'southward Notation: Obviously our more geeky readers already know how to exercise this, but this article is meant for everybody else. Feel free to share it with your non-techie friends!

If you lot are using Windows eight or Windows 10, scroll downward.

Disabling Startup Programs in Windows seven, Vista, or XP

For some programs, it'south smart to take them commencement with Windows, such equally anti-virus and firewall software. However, for virtually programs, starting them at boot-up just wastes resources and extends startup time. In that location is a tool installed with Windows, chosen MSConfig, that allows yous to quickly and easily meet what's running at startup and disable the programs yous prefer to run on our own later startup every bit needed. This tool is available and tin be used to disable startup programs in Windows vii, Vista, and XP.

Annotation: MSConfig tin be used to configure several things other than but startup programs, then be careful what you do with it. If you're not sure nigh using information technology, but follow the steps in this article and you should exist fine.

To run MSConfig, open the Start menu and type "msconfig.exe" (without the quotes) in the Search box. As you blazon, results display. When you lot come across "msconfig.exe," click on information technology or press Enter, if it is highlighted.

Note: If you are using Windows XP, open the Run dialog box from the Beginning carte, type "msconfig.exe" in the Open edit box, and click OK.

Click the Startup tab on the System Configuration main window. A list of all the startup programs displays with a check box side by side to each one. To preclude a program from starting up with Windows, select the check box side by side to the desired programme so in that location is NO check mark in the box. Click OK once you lot have made your choices.

A dialog box displays telling you that you may need to restart your computer for the changes to take affect. Click Restart to restart your computer immediately. If are not fix to restart your computer, click Exit without restart.

Disabling Startup Programs after Windows 10's April 2018 Update

If you're running the very latest version of Windows 10, at that place's a new Startup Apps direction panel that makes it super piece of cake to disable startup programs. Only open the Settings panel, and then search for "Startup", and open up up the Startup Apps console. If you lot don't come across this, you don't have the very latest version however, and you'll want to use Task Manager to manage your startup apps (keep reading this next section).

In one case you do have the Startup Apps panel, you tin simply toggle the stuff you lot don't want to run at startup.

Disabling Startup Programs in Windows 10 or eight or

Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 arrive really simple to disable startup applications. All you have to practice is open Task Managing director by right-clicking on the Taskbar, or using the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC shortcut central, clicking "More Details," switching to the Startup tab, and and then using the Disable button.

It'southward actually that uncomplicated. If you aren't seeing these options, brand sure to click "More Details," which is in the same place as the "Fewer details" that you see on this screenshot.

Disabling Startup Programs in CCleaner

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The costless PC-cleaning utility CCleaner too has a tool that allows y'all to disable startup programs. In CCleaner, click the Tools push on the left side of the dialog box and click Startup to see the list of startup programs. The Enabled column indicates whether each program is set to start with Windows. To disable a program that is enabled, select the plan in the list and click Disable. You can as well enable programs that have been disabled.

NOTE: CCleaner does not seem to prompt you lot to restart your computer, so be sure to practice so yourself.

RELATED: How to Use CCleaner Like a Pro: 9 Tips & Tricks

In that location is a Professional version of CCleaner that costs $24.95 and comes with priority technical support. However, in that location is a complimentary version available as an installable version and a portable version.

Note that some applications need to be configured to stop launching themselves when the figurer boots, or they will just add themselves to the list of startup programs once again. In this example, there is usually a setting in a program's options to prevent information technology from starting with Windows.


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